Terms of Service

AICS: All of the ingredients in the formulation are compliant with NICNAS regulations. European Commission “Cosmetics Directive” 76/768/EEC and Cosmetic.


Ingredients Review: All of the ingredients in the formulation are compliant with these regulations.


US Federal: All of the ingredients in the formulation are compliant with the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetics Act and this product is safe to be used by professional hair dressers previously trained and certified to make this treatment.


This product has been classified in accordance with the hazard criteria of the Controlled Products Regulations (CPR) and the MSDS contains all of the information required by CPR.


Respiratory protection:

No special respiratory protection is required under typical circumstances of use or handling.


Eye protection:

Avoid eye contact. Safety glasses with side shields should be used when handling large quantities.


Hand protection: 

Wear rubber or impervious plastic gloves.


Body protection:

Use a towel around neck and shoulders during the process. 


Lifetime of product: 

Expiration Date Product: 36 months. Expiration is labeled on product. The product has multiple applications and is not the purpose of the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS ) to quote them. The product has validity of 36 months expressed here are those of qualified experts of Biitis B .


However, because the material may be used under conditions assume no responsibility for any damage to person, property or business arising from such use. Moreover, it is the responsibility of the purchaser or user of this material to ensure that the product is properly and safely used.

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